Just for Fun...

Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 4:10 PM


Just for Fun...

Hey guys,

I read this story the other day and thought it was kind of funny. Enjoy.

Church feuds are not uncommon, especially among cliques in the congregation. But when the pastor and choir director get into it, stand aside.

One week our preacher preached on commitment, and how we should dedicate ourselves to service. The director then led the choir in singing, 'I Shall Not Be Moved.'

The next Sunday, the preacher preached on giving and how we should gladly give to the work of the Lord. The choir director then led the song, 'Jesus Paid It All.'

The next Sunday, the preacher preached on gossiping and how we should watch our tongues. The hymn was 'I Love To Tell The Story.'

The preacher became disgusted over the situation, and the next Sunday he told the congregation he was considering resigning. The choir then sang 'Oh, Why Not Tonight.'

When the preacher resigned the next week, he told the church that Jesus had led him there and Jesus was taking him away. The choir then sang, 'What A Friend We Have in Jesus.'


Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 2:05 PM


Beginning October 4 @ 10AM connecting with God, People and Purpose will have a new face on Sunday mornings! Join us for our new Equipping Classes in our Connection for a powerful Word Alive twist on traditional Sunday school!

There will be four different classes to choose from, each one designed to challenge and empower you while digging a little deeper into God's Word. Since they're held during our middle service, you can enjoy a class without having to miss our main worship service - you can catch it before or after (and still have plenty of time to grab a cup of coffee!)

Kidz Alive will of course be available, with a new format perfectly designed to accommodate children who are staying for more than one service time. The WAY also has a 10:00 AM study group in T.A.M.A. Hall for middle and high school students.

So what classes are available? Glad you asked!

We'll explore the different steps that draw us into deeper levels of spiritual maturity. Through topics like prayer, faith, walking in freedom, and reading the Word we'll look at ways to help us grow spiritually.

Salvation is just the start. In Jesus, all the benefits of the Kingdom have been made available to us. Through a closer look at the book of Hebrews we will discover the extravagant benefits of the Kingdom and God's covenant with us.
Taught by Jeff Fink.

Break out of your box with new ideas about worship! Actually, they aren't all that new, but we'll get to that. The Lord wants to show His glory in an increasing measure in our lives. We'll explore strategies for our passion to worship Him.
Taught by Bill Byrd

Are you a recent high school grad, a college student, or a twenty-something looking for purpose and direction? Got dreams and visions but not sure which direction to head? There was a guy in the Bible called Joseph, and he was a lot like you! God had a great plan for his life that took him through trials and into triumph. We'll receive inspiration and encouragement from a closer look at his life.
Taught by Nanette Mudiam

This series of classes will run until December 20. No registration is required; if you'd like more information, you can contact Nanette Mudiam at nmudiam@wordalive.org

Connect Four Lunch

Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 11:09 AM


If you are new to Word Alive or you've been coming for a while and you've wondered, "How do I get connected, how can I get involved, how can I get to know more people...?" Well, we have the answer to your questions."Connect Four" is the meeting that will help you get the answers you need to connect here at Word Alive.

Sunday, October 4th immediately after the 3rd service Pastors Kent and Bev will share over a delicious meal how Word Alive got started, where we see the Lord is taking us, and the "four" ways that we can connect with what the Lord is doing here.If you would like to attend this meeting please reserve your seat with Nancy Mitchell at Nmitchell@wordalive.org

We look forward to connecting with you!

How to Pray for Someone in a Small Group

Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 10:12 AM


Here's a little guideline for your prayer times in a small group environment.

1. Put the person for which you are praying at ease. A warm and sincere greeting will go a long way in accomplishing this. Whether a man or a woman, taking another’s hands in yours is a good way to put that person at ease and encourages him to come into agreement as you pray. We should avoid touching the bare arm or shoulder of another as it may cause one to feel a bit uncomfortable. Be sure to respect a person’s personal space by not crowding too close when you begin to pray, especially with those of the opposite sex. Once the person is at ease and ready for prayer…

2. Ask the area of need for which pray can be made. Give a person time to share what concerns and needs they have for prayer. However, try not to let the problems grow bigger with more talk about them. There are time restraints in a small group and others for which to pray. Once you have the gist of the needs…

3. Move to prayer as soon as it is reasonably appropriate. As you pray, remember that you are not the solution. It is alright to say, “I don’t have the answer, but God does.” There is no need to counsel at this point. Point the person to God and as you pray, use the Scriptures. Integrating the scriptures into your prayers builds faith for all the parties. Trust the Holy Spirit to bring applicable scriptures to your mind that will bring hope and faith as you pray them. After you have prayed…

4. Conclude by giving a Scripture verse to embrace. There will likely be a Scripture verse that the Spirit will affirm to you as especially relevant and alive for this person. Be sure share this “word” with him and encourage him to speak the promise of God to the circumstances over which you have prayed. At the conclusion of your time of personal prayer ministry, a simple hug and confident smile will be a comforting and affirming gesture.

Group With No Name

Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 7:53 PM


Using nametags in your small group is a good idea. You could wind up like this guy without them...

Fall 2009 Life Leader Launch Luncheon

Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 1:22 PM


Hey Life Leaders Fall 2009,

What a great time we had Sunday! Thanks you all so much for coming and my wish for you is a very successful Fall campaign.

I think you all enjoyed the videos and the few "simple" points we emphasized for the Fall. If you would like to review, just click on the links to see the videos again. Here's a review of the notes from the meeting!

Life Leader Launch Luncheon - Fall 2009

Welcome / Prayer / Let’s Eat

1. Small Groups are not Rocket Science


Complicated vs. Simple

Be Prepared

Set the Atmosphere – Praise Music

2. Flying Solo


Greeters -get some

Assistants- get one

3. Small Groups (hi diddly do!)


Anonymity vs. vulnerability

Being Considerate

Prayer Protocol – Hokey Pokey, Spiritual overkill

Go online to check out the Freedom Prayer Format - (Interview, Forgive, Repent, Renounce, and Anoint to break the yoke)

4. Small group of One


Touchy-Feely, Judgmental, Bible nerds, Desperate Singles, Black hole of Crushing Need

5. Gossip http://www.worshiphousemedia.com/mini-movies/13305/Gossip

Whatsoever things are honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtuous, praise…those things which you have learned, received, heard, seen in me, do: and the peace of God shall be with you! (Phil. 4:8-9)

Prophecy – Edification, Exhortation, Comfort

6. Your Packet- Prayer cards, Name Tags, Connection Cards(return to me via envelope)

Connection Central Updates - http://www.wordalive.org/


Manage Your Group online - http://www.wordalive.org/ or


7. The Herd: Small Groups – ENJOY your small group!!!!!!
