The Prodigal God

Posted by Word Alive International Outreach | | Posted on 4:28 PM


It’s time to get together – 500 groups meeting simultaneously

What could possibly be so compelling and extravagant that 500 of us would jump at the chance to host a small group study?

Nothing less than the The Prodigal God!!! “Prodigal” simply means extravagantly lavish and luxuriant. This is your chance to be part of a small army of hosts who will blow the lid off religious hypocrisy and judgment and reveal the Father in a way many of us have never seen!

If you have always wanted to be part of a genuine move of God, this 6 week study may be the best opportunity you will ever have. As our church is experiencing extraordinary anointing and power during the services, we expect this same glory to overflow into the community.

Trust me – hosting a group does not require excessive preparation or biblical skill. It simply requires a willing heart, a coffee maker, and a DVD player. If you meet these “host” criteria and you want to see Word Alive accomplish our 3G goal of 500 small groups, the we need you to sign on NOW! All you have to do is go and click on the link to register as a host. Or just email me at and let me know that I can count on you to host a small group study for:

The Prodigal God:
a 6 week small group study through DVD, discussion guide, and book.

We will see you February 28th – Sunday at 6:00 in the TAMA Hall on the Coldwater Campus for an orientation and to get your materials in your hands. We will make is so simple and easy to host that you may invite several other friends to host as well, just to meet the demand. (Alternative dates for the Orientation will be announced, so don’t let that stop you!)